How Do We Maximise Interest When Searching For A Tenant?

By Kellie Drinnan


Marketing your investment property matters, and how you do this will determine the outcome.


Gone are the days of simply uploading some quick photos  and putting a few descriptive points online.  Good Property Managers have a strategy behind their advertising.


Your online advertisement needs to promote the property in its best light.  This means some preparation work may need to occur.


A fresh coat of paint, garden tidy-up and any outstanding maintenance issues should be attended to first.  If a tenant notices a broken oven, they may start to wonder what else is not being maintained.


Pricing is also a key component to our strategy.  If your investment is not priced well in the market, then getting clients to those inspections to view is going to be harder.


When the property is ready we will upload to all major websites.  Our team at Laguna have a strategy for the best time to launch your property to the market in order to attract the most potential tenants.


We also offer unique viewing times outside of normal business hours, and on weekends, to ensure all potential tenants have an opportunity to view.  For tenants who might be out of state, we provide virtual tours of your property.


Marketing your investment property successfully takes skill and dedication from an experienced team.


Call me today to see how we can get the most potential out of your investment.

  • Award Winning Service!
  • 4 High Profile Locations!
  • Strong Local Presence!
  • Community Focused!
  • 11 Property Managers!
  • Quality Marketing!
  • Special Viewing Times!
  • Careful Tenant Selection!


Kellie Drinnan


0488 780 110

[email protected]

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